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▶️Human Rights Protection
Human Rights Principles
WPG Holdings is committed to creating a friendly and dignified workplace environment and have formulated a "WPG Human Rights Policy" in accordance with "The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights", the "United Nations Global Compact", the "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights", the "International Labor Organization Core Conventions", and the "OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises". Based on these principles, we abide by the local laws and regulations of our global operations, and we expect our upstream and downstream supply chains and business partners to comply with them, so that we can jointly improve the management of human rights issues and promote a freer, fairer, and more respectful workplace environment.
Continuous Improvement of Human Rights Policies
The Sustainability Talent Group of the ESG and Sustainable Development Committee of WPG Holdings is responsible for formulating the management and monitoring mechanism, regularly reviewing the human rights policy and guidelines and updating them in a timely manner. Any adjustments need to be approved by the Board of Directors. The policies and guidelines include prohibiting child labor, prohibiting forced labor and human trafficking, respecting diversity and protecting equality, eliminating discrimination and promoting a zero-harassment environment, implementing workplace health and safety, respecting collective bargaining and the right to freedom of association, protecting personal privacy and committing to responsible procurement. In order to promote and implement these policies, WPG Holdings conducts various promotion and training programs. Continue to monitor corporate human rights risks to avoid negative impacts on human rights issues during operations, sales and services.
Human Rights Management Process of WPG Holdings
Identification of Material Human Rights Risks
By identifying international human rights issues and trends and referring to the development of human rights issues of concern upstream and downstream in the supply chain and among industry peers, a list of 13 human rights issues for WPG Holdings was developed and stakeholders were identified and due diligence was conducted on its own operations. In 2022, we generated the Human Rights Risk Matrix through random sampling of questionnaires and the results of the identification were all in the low to medium risk area. In 2023, the human right issue was not re-identified.
Stakeholder Identification Process
- Human Rights Issues of Individual Concern to Stakeholders
Mitigation and Remediation Measures
Human Rights Education Training and Advocacy
Creating a Diversity and Equality Friendly Workplace
WPG Holdings provides equal employment opportunities and does not discriminate against candidates on the basis of race, gender, age, nationality, religion, marital status, gender identity, or physical or mental disability in recruitment and employment. In order to implement the spirit of human rights of WPG Holdings, internal rules and regulations are formulated in accordance with the human rights policy guidelines as an indicator to establish an equal and diversified workplace system. Employees are not treated differently in the workplace because of their physical and mental differences, and we are committed to assisting the development of relatively disadvantaged employees in the organization. In order to help employees with physical and mental disabilities adapt to the office environment, the Headquarters building is designed as a barrier-free office, providing employees with a barrier-free experience.
Labor-Management Communication
WPG Holdings has established a sound communication mechanism between employees and employers, set up a "Workplace Sexual Harassment Case Handling Process" and set up an "Employee Communication Platform" to create an open and transparent communication channel. In addition to holding regular group-wide townhall meetings, we also hold quarterly labor-management meetings to communicate with employees on issues of concern, policies or major events. By listening to employees' opinions and using them as a source of review and improvement of the Company's management, a good organizational communication culture is fostered, and a foundation of mutual trust is established between the Company and its employees, so that the Company's management and employees' career development can achieve a sustainable concept.
WPG Holdings is committed to creating a diverse and open communication channel. In 2023, there were three labor disputes that had undergone labor arbitration, two of which were resolved through mediation with employees and one of which is still pending mediation with the employees. Then, no other internal complaints have been filed by employees.
Note: The statistical scope is the Greater China region.
Implementing Employee Opinion Surveys
Through an effective “listening mechanism”, WPG Holdings aims to identify problems, listen to employees’ voices, and identify action points to enhance employee experience and move toward a sustainable and happy company. Through the “Mike Tree Cave” activity, employees are provided with a channel to express their opinions to the CEO of WPG Holding, Mike, so that each employee’s opinions can be heard. In 2023, Mike has internalized and implemented the brand based on his 24-word motto, activated the opinion survey to ensure that the common philosophy and value were rooted in the team and bridged the gap between both parties.Guide the entire staff toward a greater vision. The survey lasted for two weeks (2023/08/22~2023/08/23) and collected 3,052 responses, i.e. the response rate of 71.8%. Meanwhile, 532 employees’ encouragement and suggestions were responded to one by one through letters, announcements, and live broadcasts. This effectively built a good communication between the Company and employees to achieve the goal for a happy enterprise.