Announces WPG Board of Directors resolved to convene the 2024 Annual Shareholders' Meeting
1.Date of the board of directors' resolution:2024/02/29
2.Shareholders meeting date:2024/05/24
3.Shareholders meeting location:
Conference Hall, 8F., No. 11, Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
4.Shareholders' meeting will be held by means of (physical shareholders'
meeting/ hybrid shareholders' meeting /
virtual-only shareholders' meeting):physical shareholders' meeting
5.Cause for convening the meeting (1)Reported matters:
(1)2023 Business Report
(2)Audit Committee's Review Report
(3)2023 employees' and directors' compensation
(4)2023 Directors' Remuneration Report
6.Cause for convening the meeting (2)Acknowledged matters:
(1)2023 Business Report and Financial Statements
(2)2023 profits distribution proposal
7.Cause for convening the meeting (3)Matters for Discussion:
(1)To release Non-Compete Restrictions for Directors
8.Cause for convening the meeting (4)Election matters:None
9.Cause for convening the meeting (5)Other Proposals:None
10.Cause for convening the meeting (6)Extemporary Motions:None
11.Book closure starting date:2024/03/26
12.Book closure ending date:2024/05/24
13.Any other matters that need to be specified:None